Saturday, July 12, 2014

Whatever your full of, you'll be led by.

Luke 4:1-2

And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And he ate nothing during those days. And when they were ended, he was hungry.

I heard a sermon on this verse the other day and I can’t get this one thought out of my head. I probably quote it to myself 30 times a day.

Jesus was full of the spirit, so it led him into the wilderness.

That must mean that whatever you are FULL of, you will be LED by.

For instance, if I’m full of un-forgiveness, I will be led into bitterness.

If I’m full of holding onto offenses, I will be led into destroying relationships.

If I’m full of discontentment, I will be led into making un-wise decisions.


If I’m full of what God says forgiveness is, I will be led into restoration.

If I’m full of who God thinks I am, I will be led into a place of security.

If I’m full of what God has done for me, I will be led into grace.

So, I have to ask myself. What is it that I’m being filled with and where is it leading me? Since beginning to really search this out and ask myself this, I’ve noticed more and more I need time to re-fill. And sometimes I have to un-load, un-pack, donate the junk I don’t want and then re-fill just to do it all over when I mess up again 2 minutes later. Because if I don’t fill up when I’m led somewhere, I will get hungry.

It isn't easy to re-fill. It takes time, and a lot of prayer. But I've noticed when I re-fill with things that God wants me to be full of, it doesn't matter if I end up hungry and in the wilderness, the enemy has no chance of getting to me.

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