I generally tend to think that 90% of girls are insecure so I've never really seen this as an issue. But I still think about it often. By the way, a good way to tell if you're insecure or not is if your insecure about being insecure. Because ya know, that makes a ton of sense.
Anyways, so then I started thinking about it and analyzing it and most likely over thinking and over analyzing this whole insecurity issue one day and I realized what my problem is.
I focus on my weaknesses, more than I focus on His strength.
Here's what I mean by that. When I am praying I say things like "God I have this problem. I just don't know what to do. I mean I should probably know what to do by now, I've been a Christian long enough. But I don't. I'm probably just not forgiving enough. That's gotta be it. Sorry Jesus for ya know, sucking. I don't mean to, really. Could you make me more like you and um, less like me? That'd be great. Okay, Amen."
When you first think about it, it sounds like a pretty normal prayer. I confessed sin, repented and then gave it to Jesus.
But, the more I think about it, it's not all that normal. I mean the theology behind it is, but it just doesn't pan out in real life.
Think about it like this. You're running through a forest and you trip. You fall off a cliff but luckily there's a nice branch there that you're able to grab and hold onto. You're able to hold on, but not quite strong enough to pull yourself back up. You see someone walking by. Do you say, "Hey, I'm really sorry but I am just so clumsy! I was running and I wasn't watching where I was going and then I fell. Ugh, that is just SOO like me. Anyways, My arms hurt and my muscles are starting to cramp. I'm tired and sore and sorta thirsty and..."
Umm, No.
You'd say "HEY! EXCUSE ME...SIR? Can you PLEASE help me get off this stupid branch?"
Because that makes way more sense. They don't need to hear how you got down on that branch, they just need to know that you want them to pull you back up.
Okay, I know I'm rambling a little but I swear I have a point in all this. See the bible says it like this;
"This is the message we have heard from HIm and announce to you, that God is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the Light as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin... 1 John 1:5-7

I'll never forget the first time I saw my favorite Italian restaurant in the day time with all of the lights on. When the candle light and warm fire glow were traded in for nice large florescent lights I could see that the floor was chipped, the furniture was old, the paint was peeling, ect. It was far from a "Taste of Tuscany" actually- it was kind of gross.
I think more often than not, especially if you grew up Christian we read that verse and others like it and tend to think that we are "walking in darkness" whenever we screw up. Or worse, we tend to think that we used to walk in darkness but now that we are Christians we never walk in darkness. But I'm learning that neither of those things are correct.
Because He is the Light, really the only time we walk in darkness is anytime that we are walking in our own strength, going our own way and not His.
So that must mean that I'm not "walking in darkness" anytime I feel insecure, I'm only walking in darkness when I focus more on my insecurities and weaknesses than on His strength.
Because darkness is not a behavior, it's an attitude.