So a couple of weeks ago I had several people come up and blatantly tell me that they think I should go through the book of Joshua.
Not like, 1 or 2 people. Like 4 actual humans that I know and then 3 sermons from 3 different pastors in 2 different states. Then like 2 dreams. It was flippin' weird.
So, with numbers like that I decided to start going through Joshua. Now, this may not sound like a big deal to you but If you have learned anything about me through this blog it's probably that I don't like reading the old testament. Like, at all. I don't understand it, I don't relate to it hardly ever and not to mention it's kinda graphic. The first time I read it on my own I happen to pick up right where some crazy lady wiped her sons foreskin on a dudes feet. The next time wasn't much better. It involved poop, a belly button and an overall poor representation of how the human body's digestive system works.
That's a rocky start to any relationship.
Anyways, all that to say that I don't just poke my head into the OT for funsies. So Jesus knew he had to be fairly clear with me if he wanted me to go there. So hesitantly I forced myself to read through the story of Joshua, and I did pretty good, for like... a week. Then I got bored because, well it was old testament and that's just kinda what I do. Sorry if your offended. But don't worry, I started back up again. It's only taken a little over a month and I'm on chapter 3 now, your welcome.
Here's what I've noticed, Joshua is all about watching, waiting, praying, preparing, and consecrating.
Check it out.
"Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things" Joshua 3:5
For those of you who are like me and think consecrate sounds like a cool enough word, but you're not quite sure what it means; don't worry. We've got for that and here is what it says consecrate means.
to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity:
to consecrate a new church building.
to make (something) an object of honor or veneration; hallow:
a custom consecrated by time.
to devote or dedicate to some purpose:
a life consecrated to science.
Okay, before I get into why exactly I think this is such a cool verse I'll give you some context. So at this point, Moses had died and the Israelite's had wandered aimlessly around in a dessert for 40 years.
For 40 years.
For 40 freaking years.
Forty. Like, as in the number.
Okay sorry, back to the whole context thing. So they had been promised this chunk of land which was supposed to have like a ton of milk and honey (I imagine it's like today's equivalent to Starbucks and pastries. So; while we are on my blog we'll pretend that the Lord promised the Israelites a land of caffeine and carbs. Because that's how my brain works) Anyways, so they got this promise and they waited 40 years, they've already had one leader die and now another one is like "Look guys all we have to do is cross this stupid river" Then they did, because they laid some stones down or something. (Again; OT is not my thing).

But that's not the cool part. Or maybe it is and I just don't understand it enough- who knows. But the part that stuck out to me is that Joshua wanted them to get ready because the Lord was going to do something amazing tomorrow.
Did you catch that? After 40 freaking years Joshua still had enough faith in God and his promises to be like "Hey- it's here. The Lords going to do something amazing tomorrow".
For the record- That would NOT be me. I'd be the one like "Uh Joshua? No offense, but you kinda sound crazy."
Anyways, Joshua knew that God was going to do something amazing, but he also knew that they needed to be prepared for it.
They had to consecrate themselves. They had to devote themselves to it. Another version says "Cleanse yourselves". In order to really experience all God had for them in the promise land, they had to get off their asses and do something.
So, that must mean that if I want to see God do amazing things in my life tomorrow, I gotta get off my ass (or butt if you don't have a potty mouth like me) today.
If I want God to heal me- I've got to get my mind and body ready to be healed.
If I want God to soften my heart- Then I've got to stop focusing on myself.
If I want God to fix my relationships- Then I've got to start loving them and praying for them and forgiving them.
If I want God to fulfill his promise of giving us children- Then I've got to.... well.. ya know.
Ahem, anyways I think you get the picture.
My point is this: God's going to do amazing things tomorrow, but you've got to act like it today.
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