Okay- wait. Let me put a little disclaimer in there for the easily defensive. I don't care if you believe in once saved always saved, and I don't particularly think Jesus cares either. However some people have become rather annoyed with the fact that I personally think it's crappy theology. So- I figured I'd use my little corner of the web to defend my conclusion.
My pastor once told me to start things off with a bold offensive statement and then back it up from there so here's my bold all-encompassing statement for my anti- Security Doctrine:
The most merciful thing; aside from the cross, an all powerful Creator can do for his children is send them to Hell.
How is that merciful? I'm glad you asked. Obviously if I spend my life, energy, and finances worshiping a God that promises eternal life and then he decides to send me to hell just for funsies; well then, that's not very merciful now is it? But on the flip if I spend my life separated from Him and show him with my words, actions, lifestyle that I wish to continue to be separated from him- even though He desires that none shall perish, Him letting me choose my fleshly desires over his divine plan- is like super merciful. If you ask me.
I'm not the only one who thinks once saved always saved is crap- I've got some super credible people backing me up on this. Like, for example all the writers of the New Testament.
-Matthew, Mark & Luke all tell the parable of the soils in which Jesus refers to someone who receive the word, but "fall away" at the onset of trial & tribulation. (Luke 8:13)
-The head honcho Paul wrote about two brothers who were "delivered to Satan" after their faith had "Suffered shipwreck". (1 Timothy 1:19-20
- After he had become a believer, Simon who was formerly a sorcerer, found himself in danger of perishing unless he repented of trying to purchase the gift of God (Acts 8:9-25)
-The writer of the book of Hebrew wrote of the possibility of some falling away though they had "Tasted and seen the heavenly gift" and had even become "Partakers of the Holy Spirit" (Hebrews 6:4-6)
- James urged that if one "wanders from the truth'" that if he is to ever turn back to the truth his soul will be saved from death. (James 5:19-20) Meaning- that before he turns back his soul however will not be saved from death.
- Jesus himself commissioned the apostle John to warn the Christians in Pergamos to repent or else he would "Fight against them". (Revelation 2:16)
-Peter warned believers to be vigilant about their faith because the devil "Walks about like a roaring lion, seeking one to devour" (1 Peter 5:8)
-Jude thought it was a big enough deal to spend his entire letter basically writing about an apostasy that was underway.

Okay, maybe calling your doctrine crap isn't very nice, and I'm sure you have your own set of scriptures lined up ready to post in the comments here- which by the way IS TOTALLY OKAY. Like I said, I don't care if you believe in once saved always saved, it's only an issue if you're using it in place of the acronym "yolo" and dragging it along with you as some sort of security blanket. Other wise- believe it all you want. But don't go around saying I teach and practice false doctrine- cause well, that's just not very nice.
Weather I've made a compelling argument or you still think I'm full of crap- I don't really care. What I do care about is that no matter where you land on this issue you continue to live every day as if Jesus died on the cross yesterday, rose from the grave today and is coming back tomorrow. Because personally I'd rather talk about his life, death or resurrection than any of the petty crap that comes in between.
I'm not a teacher or anything but i heard of things like god's sovereignty, election, predestination, and stuff. What do these things mean?
ReplyDeleteWhat should I do? Im so confused about these things.
ReplyDeleteColleen in Ephesians 2 :8&9 it says our salvation is a gift. I don't believe our Heavenly Father would take back a gift that cost Him tremendously.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOops didn't mean to post 3 times
ReplyDeleteBut I do have to clarify WOULD NOT
GOD would not take away a gift that cost Him tremendously!
Oops didn't mean to post 3 times
ReplyDeleteBut I do have to clarify WOULD NOT
GOD would not take away a gift that cost Him tremendously!
Colleen, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. For some reason it did not notify me that there were comments :( In reply to Elsie's comment absolutley God would never take away a gift like salvation. I also don't think he would ever take away the gift of free will, so if I choose not to be in heaven with him, he's going to honor the fact that he gave me the choice of free will and that I can choose not to be with him even after once choosing to be with him. So he doesn't ever take the gift back but I can hand it back. Like if Elsie gave me a really pretty bracelet that cost her a lot of money. She would NEVER take that bracelet from me- but maybe I'm allergic to the metal so I would then give it back to her. She's loving and gracious so she wouldn't then force me to wear the bracelet even if I didn't like it.
DeleteAs for predestination- that doesn't mean that God chose certain people to go to heaven and certain people not to go to heaven all that means is that he knows the beginning from the end- so he knows who will chose salvation and who will not.
Colleen- read my reply to Elsie's comment. I meant to post it as a regular comment but obviously messed up! oops! I hope that helps!
ReplyDeleteColleen- read my reply to Elsie's comment. I meant to post it as a regular comment but obviously messed up! oops! I hope that helps!