Friday, April 10, 2015

I've Got the Power!

"And what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe,
 according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ 
when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand 
in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, 
and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come."
Ephesians 1:19-21

Power is a funny thing isn't it?

Maybe it's just because of my own personal pet peeves, especially lately. But when I think of someone "with power" I rarely ever think of anything positive.

I think of that guy at work who got a little ounce of recognition, and now uses his "title" as an excuse to sit around threatening and be-littling others.

I think of how it makes me want to knock 'em into next week.

I think of rulers who have abused power. Or leaders who have ruined lives for the sake of a power trip.

I think of people who have it but refuse to use it.

I think of people who have it who shouldn't

I think of power trips and power struggles.

I think of people who had it but lost it because of whatever.

You know what the word "Power" doesn't make me think of?

It doesn't make me think of the mother who started a business with only 5 pieces of jewelry in order to make a little cash so she could bring her son home from Rwanda. Who took that little bit of power and made tens of thousands of dollars and gave it all to the Kingdom of God.

It doesn't make me think of the missionary who brought a sewing machine to a third world country and taught women how to sew hand bags to support their families. Women who then took that skill, and used it to build a freaking city to make a better life for their children.

The word 'Power' doesn't make me think of the little churches in little towns filled with great people who want to do great things not just for God, but with Him.

It doesn't make me think of that mom who is raising her kids up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

I don't think it's ever made me think of that new mom when her baby boy was diagnosed with a heart condition and a thousand prayers from her church went up.

It doesn't make me think of the Pastor who is thinking about how to better feed the sheep.

But ya know what? It should.

Because the bible talks a lot about power, and it even equates power to the immeasurable greatness those who believe are capable of.

This got me thinking, I think the biggest problem with power is not in the abuse of it, but rather in the denial of it. The world doesn't need to be told the effects of abusing power, they've already seen it. They need to see the outcome of power put to good use. We've all been given power, the question is-  do we use it well? And what would that even look like?

I'm relatively new to the whole power being positive thing- so I'm just guessing here but I think we could start by following a few simple guidelines.

It's not about you. Weather its a feeling of entitlement or inadequacy. Both are disobedience and both limit the power God's given you.

Take the initiative. Give much, because you have been given much. Use your freedom, voice, grace, or your gifts and do something great with them.

Fight for others. God says he comforts us so that we can comfort others. I think that applies across the board. He gives us grace so that we can show others grace, he gave us forgiveness so that we could forgive others. And I think he gave us power so that we could empower others.

Let's stop trying to change the world and just start loving it. 

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