That was Good News.
But, it's probably not new news to you. For the past 2,000 years millions of people have made a similar confession and walked through that door from death into life. And through that door you've probably discovered a thousand other doors. Inside those doors are a hundred more doors, and inside those doors are little tiny rooms filled with very few like-minded people.
I'm not saying it's bad necessarily. I know for myself that I am super eager to discover and corner every truth about my God. I want to leave this world more in awe of God than I found it, and to do that I have to be constantly in awe of Him. Consequently you become more in awe of someone by learning new and exciting things about them.
Also, we're humans and humans disagree on crap all the time. It's almost like a pass-time for some folks.

But now through the lovely gift of technology we have a platform, a microphone and an incredibly low tolerance for people who don't fit in our tiny room.
My concern is this, does the world know us by our love- or by our divisions?
We get so caught up in secondary truths, like once saved always saved, what the Greek word for this or that is, if an apostle is more important than a teacher (or vice versa) if the gift of tongues is really a thing or not and like a hundred more.
So unless you can tell me for certain that your issue will matter most before our Father, don't try telling me that Jesus' most basic command for us should be put on the back burner.
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you. that you also love one another. By then all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
-John 13:34
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