Friday, August 22, 2014

I'm ashamed.

So I ordered a T-shirt from “Voice of the Martyrs” yesterday, if you don't know what that is visit and learn about it. But as I read more about the organization and what they are up against and what a day in their walk with God looks like vs. what ours does, I couldn't help but feel ashamed. 

I’m ashamed that we complain about our level of comfort, while our brothers fight for their life for Christ’s name.

I’m ashamed of not taking the Bible more seriously when it told us this would happen.

I’m ashamed of the T-shirts, and the bumper stickers, and the fog machines, and the light shows, and the praise we look for in it all.

I’m ashamed that the Church has become the scariest place to “come out“, instead of the safest.

I’m ashamed that we are so quick to speak and so slow to listen.

I'm ashamed that instead of sitting at his feet, we're demanding to be recognized.

I’m ashamed of judging those I've deemed judgmental.

I’m ashamed that we've reduced the bible down to nothing more than a position paper, using it either for this, or against that.

I’m ashamed by our lack of love.

I’m ashamed of our failure to serve.

I’m ashamed that we live for those “convicting” sermons, but then never let them change us.

I’m ashamed at our selfishness and penny pinching, giving to Caesar what’s Caesars but giving that which is God’s to our own bank accounts, being more faithful to our 401k‘s than to the God who provided them.

I’m ashamed at how we can stumble through the day without prayer.

I’m ashamed that we complain about our government, flawed as it might be we’re not being persecuted by it. I’m ashamed that we’re not more grateful for that.

I’m ashamed that we’re not more grateful, period. 

I’m ashamed that we think tweeting a scripture or two is a reasonable response to the great commission.

But, I’m not ashamed of the Gospel.

I’m not ashamed of the scandalous news first spoken by a Palestinian teenager, whose willingness to be used by God shattered the proud and lifted up the humble.

I’m not ashamed of the Carpenter who soon became known for his counter-cultural ways and long stories. Who restored sight to the blind, life to the dead and mercy to the undeserving.

I’m not ashamed of his crazy clan of tax-collectors and zealots.

I’m not ashamed of the prostitutes he made friends with, or his challenges to the religious.

I'm not ashamed of a rescuing Grace that dries my tears with hope.

I’m not ashamed of His backwards reality that calls the poor privileged, blessed, full while calling the rich cursed.

I’m not ashamed of the good news that we don’t have to wait around for the right Political leaders, or a better government because there is a Kingdom growing in and around us, who welcomes all to the table.

I’m not ashamed of the refreshing truth that Jesus is Lord, and Caesar is not.

I’m not ashamed that when God walked among us he rode a donkey, not a war horse. That he defended the defenseless, laughed with the children, cracked jokes about religion, obeyed his mom, forgave his enemies, and loved his neighbor.

I’m not ashamed of the great witnesses on the path alongside of me, making meals, giving rides, showing compassion, leading by example, loving well, teaching children, serving faithfully, those who work hard and fail sometimes, all because of the Grace they've been given and the overwhelming need to share the story that sets both the oppressed and oppressors free.

I’m not ashamed of the Church, she is a survivor. The stubborn bride she is, a work in progress to say the least but they say not even the gates of hell will be able to prevail against her, so I guess we should stop hedging bets.

I’m not ashamed of the One who died for all of it, and by doing that liberated us of our need to be ashamed.